Super-awesome best webpage ever (about MEIKO)

MEIKO original design MEIKO newer design

MEIKO is a Vocaloid voice-acted by Meiko Haigo. She was released on the 5th of November 2004 by Crypton Future Media, Inc. Her age isn't exactly confirmed, but she is listed as middle-aged. She sold 3,000 units in her first year of sale which was 3 times the expected ammount. MEIKO was the forth Vocaloid released, and was released for the VOCALOID1 software, than rereleased in 2014 for VOCALOID3.

Twilight nighT

Lyrics: ...
How am I going to return home?
Until the applause ceases, it will never end...
A girl's alone in the eerie woods,
She appears to be lost...
Villager: "Someone...! Is there anyone out there?"

Butler: "Are you on your own, so late at night?"
Maid: "Well, come right in, we'll serve you tea!"
Doll Twins: "Welcome!! Let's sing!! And, have a crazy. Join us!!"

Mistress: "It's dark out!"
Lady: "It's very dangerous!"
Master: "Indeed... So until morning comes -"
All: "Let us welcome you with song and dance!"

Butler: "Now, we must be quick..."
Maid: "To make preparations!"
Doll Twins: "OK!! Tonight's a SHORT rehearsal - we'll party FREELY!"

From the set, to the costumes, to the makeup,
Every little detail is according to script!
Pour the wine, give a toast,
And let's begin!

Tonight, a single wink, a single sigh, a single footstep is not made in error!
With such outrageous perfection, the crazed show goes on! And...
"Fantastic!" "...More!" "I can't get enough!" "...MORE!" "I'm floored!" "More praise, give me more!!"
Are you prepared for such unending applause, that echoes through your very soul?

When the feast ends and day breaks...
Maid: "Uh oh! When did she..."
Doll Boy: "That GIRL..." Doll Girl: "Isn't ANYWHERE..."
All: "She's gone...! Gone?! Gone, GONE!"

Lady: "Say, do you hear that?"
Master: "An odd... thumping sound...?"
Butler: "But where could it be coming from?"

Doll Twins: "Wake up!! Let's think!! And, to the nines. Join us!!"
Maid: "Oh my! What's happened here?"
Butler: "The next PagE..." Doll Twins: "Isn't THERE!"
Lady: "Well, who could have stolen it?"
Doll Twins: "Not good?! Not GOOD!! Ahahahahahahaha!!!!"
Master: "Without the libretto..." Mistress: "We can't go on!"
Doll Twins: "OK!! Every, EVERYone! Search for the PagE!!"
But who could have...? To what end...?
Who stole the PagE telling the future?
All of everyone... every one of all!
All so suspicious!!

Tonight, as time advances, so does the play, but the "hands of the clock" are left behind
Not passing time, but tools of slaughter; where is the real "you"...? And...
The next PagE, the True End, there must be "something" they lack...
If we can't figure out what that is, then we'll sit and let the gears spin!

Butler: "That stolen page..."
Villager: "This sharpened clock hand..."
Maid: "Where can it be found?"
Villager: "Is it for killing time, or...?"
Doll Boy: "Hurry hurry!!"
Villager: "To the secrets below..."
Master: "That way? This way?"
Villager: "Toward the sound's source..."
Doll Girl: "Hey, on the GROUND..."
Villager: "Inside the coffins..."
Doll Twins: "It's a very shady LETTER!"
Lady: "The girl was carrying that...!"
Villager: "Must I use these hands...?"
Mistress: "What's inside the letter...?"
Villager: "Is this the right way...?"
Doll Twins: "OPEN it SLOWly..."
Villager: "Is my answer... in here...?"
All: "A white sheet of perfect Size!!"

Villager: "...I found it!"
Time marches on, the play proceeds, and the crazed hour seems amended
With such outrageous perfection, the crazed End goes on!! And...
"Fantastic!" More! "I can't get enough!" MORE! "I'm floored!" Make my night come true!
The long-awaited End is before us! Is your heart ready?

Villager: "No! Hold on...! Look carefully, will you? Time isn't advancing "properly"!
The next page is unfound... because the letter is the Ending!"
At last, time advances, as does the play, and we leap right to the Endroll;
The cast, the play are all left behind; that white sheet was dyed Bad, you see? After all...
A blank sheet will receive no applause... so then...! Now that you've noticed, it seems we're out of time!
So here is where we end!

???: "'Till another night!"