UTAU is a vocal synth program created by Ameya/Ayame in 2008. UTAU is similar to the VOCALOID software, with the main differences being that it is shareware instead of under a third party licensing, and anybody can make a singer. To make an UTAUloid, a user would record samples of themself talking/singing strings of syllables in almost any language. These collections of recordings are referred to as a voice library or voicebank, which can then be used through the UTAU program.
This program was initially develpoed as an April Fools prank, as a parady VOCALOID (hence why it is commly refered to as UTAUloid), but is used now rather commonly due to the program being free. Some of the more popular UTAUloids include: Teto Kasane, Uta Utane, and Momo Momone. This website contains info on alot of these Vocaloids, and UTAUloid another similar program.
Fun facts!
Kasane Teto's favourite phrase is "Kimi wa jitsu ni baka dana" meaning "You are indeed stupid."
UTAUloid was originally develpoed as a parady Vocaloid for April Fools
Kasane Teto is among the rare instances of a non-commercial voicebank who has seen a commercial adaptation and release by an established company.