Vocaloid is a vocal synth program created by Yamaha in 2004. A vocal synth program allows the user to use a voicebank provided by a voice actor to create signing. The user inputs the lyrics which they wish to produce and then tunes it to produce emotion or energy in their music to create a unique style that differs Vocaloid producers (typcally signaled with a '-P at the end of their names).
This is done to help people who can not sing to produce music, as it can be diffiuclt or more expensive than Vocaloid to find a singer for a song. Some of the more popular Vocaloids include: MEIKO, KAITO, Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin & Len, Camui Gackpo, Megurine Luka, GUMI, Kaai Yuki, OLIVER, Yuzuki Yukari, flower, Fukase and Otomachi Una. This website contains info on alot of these Vocaloids, and UTAUloid another similar program.
Fun facts!
- The Japanese language is made up of over 500 diphones per pitch while the English language is made up of 2,500 diphones sounds per pitch. In the VOCALOID2 software it was reported that Japanese VOCALOIDs use over 1,500 samples to make the Japanese language and English VOCALOIDs use over 8,300 samples
- In the year 2000 Kenmochi Hideki began the first developments with a team at the Pompeu Fabra University in Spain, which led to the creation of what we now know as Vocaloid
- In the year of his release (2006) KAITO only sold 500 units! This lead to a decrease in creation of male Vocaloids as they did not sell
- Hatsune Miku astonished her developers, as she sold 3,000 units within her first week! This is the same amount as MEIKO sold in her first year. (KAITO took the L)
- Hatsune Miku also managed to successfully sell 40,000 units in her first year of release. This is the most of any Vocaloid yet!
- March 5, 2008, Hatsune Miku won the "Digital Content" AMD award
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