We all know Micheal Staaz... Or do we???

Micheal Staaz. Well known mathemation with the favorite colour red. Yet... Have you heard of the man of similar name, skills, and preferances... Micheal Morbius.

Now you may think this is a stretch but here is the full list of similarities that they have:
- Both of them are named Micheal.
- Staaz writes in red... the same colour of the blood that Morbius drinks.
- Both of them are male.
- Both of them are white.
- The name Morbius has an M in it, and Maths, the subject that Staaz teaches, also has a M in it.
- Morbius is a doctor, which means that he must know maths, which is the subject that Staaz teaches.

Therefore, it is undoubtable true that Mr Staaz is Micheal Morbius!

Approved by 5 out of 5 dentists!

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